
火博体育官网-遵守国防部备忘录的政策声明 的理解

教育机构对学费援助资金的要求 国防谅解备忘录)

A. 科林大学 has signed and adheres to the 需求 of the Memorandum of 与国防部达成谅解.

B. 火博体育官网是:

         a. Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission 上大学
         b. 退伍军人事务教育福利批准
         c. Approved for Federal student aid programs with the Department of Education

C. 科林大学 complies with all regulatory guidance provided by the Department 国防和军种部长.

D. 科林大学 complies with State of Texas authorization 需求

E. 科林大学 participates in the Third Party Education Assessment process at 应国防部的要求.

F. 在成为火博体育官网的服务会员之前,需要提供以下信息 服务人员所知道的:

         a. 大学记分卡
         b. 大学领航员
         c. 财政援助购物表,登录 cougarweb, under Quick link, click on my financial aid, click on federal shopping sheet, select aid year you were awarded for.    
         d. 支付大学学费        

         e.  All Service members must speak with their 教育 Services Officer (ESO)或辅导员报名上课之前.  入学批准文件 must be obtained prior to registration and must be submitted to the Cashier.  的 DODMOU POC将通知所有学生提交批准,以确保适当 发出通知.


G. 科林大学 has designated a point of contact at each campus in order to help 指导服务人员了解学生火博体育,如经济援助、学术咨询、 残疾服务,以及服务成员可以使用的其他重要火博体育 顺利完成学业并协助找工作.

         a. 中央公园校园-麦金尼

         b. 普雷斯顿岭校区-旧金山

         c. 春溪校园

H. Private loans will never be offered to a Service member without first exploring 联邦和州财政援助的所有选择. 服役人员应该与一个人交谈 我们的 财务援助顾问.


         a. Service members maybe be eligible for grants such as PELL or SEOG and 低息联邦学生贷款. 一个财务援助顾问是可用的讨论 每个服务人员的可用援助. 联邦学生免费申请 援助 studentaid.政府 所有服役人员都应该填写吗.  这个申请允许火博体育官网 to determine eligibility for both federal and state financial aid.

         b. Private student loans are often more expensive than federal student loans. 教育部提供 火博体育 to help explain the differences between federal and private loans. 你的财务 援助顾问将与您一起审查这些差异.

         c. 联邦学生贷款信息
                   i. 火博体育官网的队列违约率为3.4% 全国的比率是10.1%
                   ii. Approximately 12% 我们的 students borrow federal student loans
                   3. 贷款还款数据

         d. Students have the ability to refuse all loans or borrow less than the 最高学生贷款金额. Students are strongly encouraged not to take out student 贷款,除非是绝对必要的.

I. 服务成员的再入学政策

         a. All service members are eligible to be readmitted into a program if they 因服务而暂时不能上课或暂停学业 需求. Service members will have their academic status restored to the same level as it was when they left school for service 需求.

         b. A member of the Armed Services who is on active duty for a period of more 超过30天的学费将不会超过火博体育官网的州内学费. 州内学费也适用于服役人员的配偶和受抚养子女 服役超过30天.
J. 科林大学 ensures compliance with program integrity 需求 consistent 与环保署(34 C)发出的规例有关.F.R. 668.71-668.75和668.14)与…有关 对虚假陈述、招聘和奖励薪酬的限制. 这适用于教育机构本身及其代理人,包括第三方 派对组织者,营销公司,或拥有或经营教育机构的公司 机构. As part of efforts to eliminate unfair, deceptive and abusive marketing 针对服务成员及其代理商,包括第三方领导发电机,营销 firms, or companies that own or operate the educational 机构 will:


火博体育官网禁止诱惑,包括任何小费,帮助,折扣,招待, 招待、贷款、交通、住宿、膳食或其他有货币的项目 对任何个人或实体或其代理人超过最低金额的价值 including third party lead generators or marketing firms other than salaries paid 付给雇员或付给承包商的费用符合所有适用的法律 确保服务成员注册或获得TA资金的目的. 教育机构赞助的奖学金或助学金和学费减免 是允许的,并且:


火博体育官网禁止支付任何佣金、奖金或其他奖励 payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial 资助(包括助教资助)予任何从事任何招生工作的人士或实体; 招生活动,或决定有关学生的经济奖励 援助,:


火博体育官网禁止高压招生策略,如制造多个 未经请求的联系人(3个或更多),包括电话、电子邮件或面对面的联系人; and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing Service member enrollments in non- credit courses/programs.

K. Students are never automatically enrolled in courses at Collin. 学生总是 负责注册课程,必须获得许可才能注册 项目或课程.

L. If a program at 科林大学 requires approval by an accrediting agency, that 任何服役人员在参加该计划之前必须获得批准.

M. 不适用.

N. 概述了火博体育官网学分转换政策,退学/增加和退学政策 在当前学生目录中. 任何有关a学分转让的问题 服务人员应直接向退伍军人过渡专家- Adela "Del" 瓦尔迪兹在 abvaldez@yann-mathieux.com 



         a. 科林大学 assesses the same tuition and fee amounts to all Service 成员,而不考虑其服务组件.

         b. Course enrollment information, course withdrawal, course cancellation, 课程完成或失败,成绩,学位完成的验证和计费 are reported to the TA issuing Service's education office.

         c. Degree 需求 are outlined in the student catalog and include course 每个课程的信息,如完成所需的学时数, required and elective courses, graduation 需求 for the program. 学术顾问 是否应该咨询一下,以审查学习计划的选择和审查转学 适用于学习计划的课程作业.

         d. Service members must obtain approval from their Service in order to use 学费援助基金. All Military TA must be requested and approved prior to 某一课程的开始日期.

         e. 将助教资金与财政援助一起使用


I. "Top-Up" eligible active duty DoD personnel may use this Montgomery or Post-9/11 G.I. 账单将与TA从其服务中获得的资金一起受益,以支付这些课程 服务成员的费用超过其服务支付的TA金额. 符合蒙哥马利G计划资格的扶轮社社员.I. 账单福利可以同时使用这些福利 与助教. RC members who have earned entitlement for the Post-9/11 G.I. 比尔可以使用 VA教育福利和TA,但是VA只会支付部分学费 不包括在电讯局长范围内. 的refore the combination of VA education benefits and TA will not exceed 100 percent of the actual costs of tuition.

II. DOD personnel are entitled to consideration for all forms of financial aid that educational 机构 make available to students at their home campus. 教育 机构财政援助官员将提供信息和申请流程 for Title IV student aid programs, scholarships, fellowships, grants, loans, etc., 发给国防部行政长官受助人.

3. Service members identified as eligible DoD TA recipients, who qualify for Pell 教育署学生资助计划的助学金,将会把他们的助教津贴应用到他们的 在申请他们的佩尔助学金之前,必须在教育机构的账户上提交 按他们的说法. Unlike TA funds, which are tuition-restricted, Pell Grant funds 是否不受学费限制,可以应用于账户上的其他允许费用.

f. 学费管理

                   i. 的 Services will provide TA to Service members in accordance 与国防部和服务适当的规定.

                   ii. 学费援助基金 will be returned to the Service education 办公室如下:
                                1. 100%如果学生在 第一天上课.
                                2. 如果学生没有参加课程,100%.
                                3. 如果课程被学院取消,100%.
                                4. 当一名服役人员退出一门课程或 停止上课,学费将按比例退还给服务教育办公室 basis and is based on the number of days completed in the semester. 例如,a 在第54天退课112天的学生占48% 由助教基金支付的学杂费的一半将退还给服务中心 member is responsible for covering that portion of the tuition and fees.
                                5. 向军人收取的学费从不超过 向非军人学生收取的费用.
                                6. 学费每年由科林批准 并至少90天内通知服务成员 在新税率实施前.

g. If a course is cancelled by the College students, all students are notified of 取消.

h. 有关课程的书籍和用品可在 书店 在每个校区. Refunds for book charges are made at      100% if the course is cancelled 按机构划分. In addition, all students have access to the materials in the Campus Library for both printed and electronic materials.

i. 毕业成绩表彰

                    i. 科林大学 will issue, at no cost to the Government, documentation 作为完成学业的证明,如文凭或证书,发给每个完成学业的学生 the respective program 需求 and meets all financial obligations.

                    ii. In accordance with Service 需求, 科林大学 will 向服务处报告已完成证书的受助人; 文凭或学位课程. Reporting will occur at least annually and include the degree level, major, and program 需求 completion date.

                    3. 的 academic credentials for certificate, diploma, or degree 完成情况将反映授予学位的教育机构和校园的授权情况 授予学位.

                    iv. 科林大学 strongly encourages students to participate 在每年的毕业典礼上.

j. 科林大学 provides reports via electronic delivery on all DOD TA recipients 根据认知服务的要求,为员工提供的项目和课程.  这包括但不限于助教交易、期末课程成绩 不完成学业和退学,授予的学位,获得的证书,评估的教育 计划,提供的课程和军队毕业. 教育机构提供 在国防部设施上的面对面课程将为负责人提供班级名册 教育顾问.  的 class roster will include information such as the name of 教官,每个学生(军人和非军事)的姓和名, 课程名称、班会日期、上课和下课时间; 类的位置(e.g. 、大楼及房间号码).